What are Immune support products ?

What are Immune support products you asked?

The world is changing as we have seen last two years . There used to be a cold and flu season where people would stock up on the basic immune fighters . Well the top ingredients now are Vitamin C, D, B complex ,Zinc and Probiotics. These days people are turning to year round products to prevent hospitalization or even death. Something that can be taken without an expensive prescription on a daily basis and have no side effects. Such as Organic Sulfur , Based in Vancouver Canada Organic Sulfur OS uses a branded form of distilled methysulfonylmethene , MSM. This is a bi product of trees , specifically from the pulp and paper industry. Organic Sulfur OS in delivered from an FDA registered facility in the USA .Every batch is third-party tested for optimal purity, quality and consistency. The Arthritis Society endorses this natural form to help reverse the immunological decline by addressing chronic inflammation. Sulphur containing products such as Organic Sulfur OS play a critical role in your body’s immune response. The reduction in your levels of inflammatory cytokines helps manage the overall inflammation response . OS helps immuno-suppression caused by stress and exhaustive activities by building glutathione production ( an antioxidant essential in healthy immune function). Not only does Organic Sulfur OS build immunity it helps mitigate your bodys natural response to overact when challenged by sudden foreign bodies . This is known as immuno-modulation . This is evident in lung / sinus congestion where the body tends to over react to attacks.

In the last two years , purchases of immune support products have risen to over 80% worldwide. Close to 70% take something year round now , dispelling the old myth of a single flu season. Sulfur is not a supplement but listed a food by US/Canadian customs. Safe to take as an affordable alternative to maintain one’s health .


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Red Light Therapy vs Green Therapy ( Organic Sulfur )

First ,What is Red light therapy ?

Red Light Therapy or RLT is a form of treatment that may help skin, muscle tissue, and other parts of your body to heal itself. Procedure exposes you to low levels of red or near-infrared light. Infrared light is a type of energy your eyes can’t see, but your body can feel as heat. Red light is similar to infrared, but you can see it. Red light therapy uses very low levels of heat and doesn’t hurt or burn the skin. It’s not the same type of light used in tanning booths, and it doesn’t expose your skin to damaging UV rays.

So, how does Red Light Therapy work?

With RLT, your skin is exposed to a lamp, device, or laser with a red light. A part of your cells called mitochondria, sometimes called the “power generators” of your cells, soak it up and make more energy. Studies show this helps cells repair themselves and become healthier and spurs healing in skin and muscle tissue.

What Does It Treat you ask ?

Researchers have known about red light therapy for a while. But there aren’t a lot of expert studies on it, and they don’t know if it’s better than other types of treatment used to help you heal. Red light therapy may help with:

  • DementiaIn one small study, people with dementia who got regular near-infrared light therapy on their heads and through their noses for 12 weeks had better memories, slept better, and were angry less often.
  • Dental painIn another small study, people with had less pain, clicking, and jaw tenderness after red light therapy.
  • Hair lossOne study found that men and women with alopeca , (a genetic disorder that causes hair loss in men and women) who used approved an at home RLT device for 24 weeks grew thicker hair. People in the study who used a fake RLT device didn’t get the same results.
  • OsteoarthritisOne study found red and infrared light therapy cut osteoarthritis-related pain by more than 50%.
  • TendinitisA very small study suggests RLT lessens inflammation and pain in people with Achilles tendinitis.
  • Wrinkles and other signs of skin aging and skin damage.
  • Research shows RLT may smooth your skin and help with wrinkles. RLT also helps with acnescars, burns, and signs of UV sun damage.What Are the Risks?

Red light therapy is generally considered safe, even though researchers aren’t exactly sure how and why it works.

And there are no set rules on how much light to use. Too much light may damage skin tissue, but too little might not show any results.

Where Do You receive Red Light Therapy?

It’s usually done in a doctor’s office. Spas, salons and dental offices do it, too. You can also buy your own red light therapy device which are expensive. Salon and at home treatments may cause side effects or injury. See your Physician if you’re thinking about red light therapy.

Costs can very $100 session at a tanning salon , $300 Spa , $450 Doctor’s office. Usually 10 visits are needed to see results .

Green Therapy

What is Green Therapy ?

Organic Sulfur is green therapy . It is a bi product of pulp and paper ( trees) manufacturing . Organic Sulfur works when digested with filtered water . It’s function within your body is to help your cells permeate ( open and close) . The more oxygen they receive the better they preform . Waste is excreted . It’s pretty simple therapy . Your entire body will feel the effects within 2 weeks . t is a very low cost effective treatment . There are no harmful side effects .

Inflammation is the route of decay in the body and Organic Sulfur is now recognized by the Arthritis Society as a natural alternative.

Here are some of the benefits of Organic Sulfur .

Immunity boosting enzyme production increases/assists in overall resistance to illness

  • OS promotes efficient kidney and liver functions by balancing the body between acidity and alkalinity
  • Increased growth of healthy hair and strong nails
  • Helps Increase tissue elasticity helping wrinkle reduction and softens the skin
  • Helps assist skin conditions such as Acne, Psoriasis Rosacea Liver Spots
  • Helps reduce muscle inflammation by increasing tissue flexibility
  • Helps alleviate chronic headaches by increasing blood circulation
  • Assists in reducing the irritants of airborne allergies and food allergies with efficient elimination of free radicals and toxins
  • Assists with proper production and regulation of insulin levels.
  • Helps minimize PMS symptoms
  • Enhancement of glandular production
  • Balance of acid levels, enzyme levels, and hormonal levels
  • Recent studies show potential improvement in the following: Cancer, Arthritis Osteoporosis, Diverticulitis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Autism, Emphysema, Hepatitis C, HIV, and Sexual Response

Prices for Organic Sulfur have remained inexpensive for years . $20 for a pound will last two months. For more information and current blogs go to 


Get Moving

Yes,exercise is good for you. Having to break a sweat has been shown to improve nearly every organ in the body, fight nearly every disease doctors diagnose. On a daily basis it improves nearly every health condition that you might come across.Sounds good. A new study finds exercise boosts levels of a protein known to strengthen communication between brain cells via “synapses”, which may be a key factor in keeping dementia at bay. Synapses are the critical communicating junctions between nerve cells and are really where the magic happens when it comes to cognition.

The protective effect was even found in active older people whose brains showed signs of plaques, tangles and other hallmarks of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases. All of our thinking and memory occurs as a result of these synaptic communications. Prior studies have shown that physical activity can reduce risk of dementia by 30% to 80%, yet we do not understand how this happens at a biological level in humans.

We have described, for the first time in humans, that synaptic functioning may be a pathway through which physical activity promotes brain health and adding that the study could only show an association, not necessarily cause and effect. StilI we think these findings begin to support the dynamic nature of the brain in response to our activities, and the capacity of the elderly brain to mount healthy responses to activity even into the oldest ages.

Is protein regulation the key?

A well-functioning brain keeps electrical signals moving smoothly through synapses from neuron to neuron and to other cells in the body. To do so, the brain needs to constantly replace worn-out proteins in those synapses, while also making sure they are properly balanced and regulated.

There are many proteins present at the synapse that help facilitate different aspects of the cell-to-cell communication. Those proteins need to be in balance with one another in order for the synapse to function optimally.It’s all part of how the brain remodels its neural circuits, keeping them healthy. Organic Sulfur lets your cells permeate effectively .

In a new study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Association the researchers were able to study human brains. They analyzed protein levels in people who had donated their brains to science as part of the Memory and Aging Project at Rush University in Chicago. On average, the people studied were between 70 and 80 years old.As part of that project, the late-life physical activity of elderly participants was also tracked. The findings showed people who moved more had more protective proteins.The more physical activity, the higher the synaptic protein levels in brain tissue. This suggests that every movement counts when it comes to brain health.

We recommend aiming for 150 min/week of physical activity. Prior studies have shown that even walking relates to reduced risk of cognitive decline! It Seems to work independently of whether a person already has markers for Alzheimer’s and other dementia. Several prior studies consistently show higher levels of these same synaptic proteins in brain tissue associate with better cognitive performance, independent of plaques and tangles. This data reinforce the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into our everyday lives — no matter how young or old you are.It’s important to find an exercise you enjoy so it can be sustainable in your routine. For older adults, it’s important to discuss any new physical activity with your doctor to make sure it is safe to do.

Get yourself Moving
Want to start exercising but aren’t sure how to start? These simple tips can add more exercise into your life.

Don’t try to do it all at the start. You’ll just get injured and sidetrack your motivation. Instead, start with breathing and movement . Try exercises designed to reconnect your mind and body. We suggest Yoga / Pilates .Then, start walking. Attempt to build up to a moderate-to-brisk pace. Cycling is great for cardio if your joints are beginning to stiffen up from inflammation. Taking Organic Sulfur will help as it is recommended by the arthritis society . Optimize your Health.

Start by walking just five to ten minutes daily over the first few days while you figure out the best time and place for your walks,” Santas said. Once you’ve determined the logistics, begin adding a few minutes more to each walk. Ideally, you want to get up to about 20 to 30 minutes per day.

If you want to add weight training.

Equally important to adding movement to your life, make it a habit.

Take steps to make it sustainable so it becomes a part of your lifestyle that you enjoy and take pride in rather than viewing it negatively, like a chore.

We suggest Habit stacking, or doing a simple exercise before, after or during a normal daily task, such as making your bed, showering and brushing your teeth.

You can do 50 body-weight squats or two-minute wall sits while you brush your teeth.

Adding movement to daily tasks can quickly add up. Let’s say you got up and moved three times an hour during your workday.

That’s 24 minutes of exercise daily. Add another 10 minutes of walking or stair climbing before or after work, and you’d be at 34 minutes daily, or 170 minutes per five-day workweek.

That’s well over the weekly threshold of 150 minutes, or two-and-a-half hours, recommended by the World Health Organization — without ever setting foot in a gym.

Want to learn more? See our blogs from the last ten years .

Electric Organic Sulfur OS aka PEMF

 Electric Organic Sulfur OS aka PEMF

What is PEMF you ask? It’s the electric version of Organic Sulfur OS. Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field or PEMF, is a high tech health solution with similar goals as Organic Sulfur . PEMF Therapy promotes natural healing in your body as it’s modeled after the earth’s own electromagnetic pulse. It’s works by running a low frequency electrical current through a simple copper coil inside a yoga mat like bed. When lying on it a magnetic field in created which targets your body at a cellular level. PEMF therapy frees up your blood cells, your body’s cells activity to run at optimum efficiency. This means your brain and other vital organs can carry out their activities better and healing is promoted in your body. Your body will be able to heal from injuries more effectively, pain can be alleviated, the aging process will slow down, you’ll have more energy, be less prone to disease, and can heal from chronic illnesses. Here are some of the health benefits PEMF Therapy can give you:

  • Provides relief from arthritis, fibromyalgia, back and joint pain, by stimulating your body’s natural endorphins.
  • Effective treatment for Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and recovery from stroke.
  • Treats migraine, insomnia, stress, anxiety and phobias. Increases bone density regeneration which helps with osteoporosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, fracture healing, and cartilage regrowth in worn joints.
  • Treatment of the liver, the kidneys, pancreatitis, and the heart.
  • Heals irritable bowel syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s.
  • Alleviates allergies, sinuses, bronchitis.
  • Heals skin problems like burns, scars, dermatitis, and acne, aswell as soft tissue like muscle and ligaments
  • Treats nerve pain issues like brachial neuralgia, facial neuralgia, and intercostal neuralgia.In short, PEMF Therapy empowers your cells to do their jobs more effectively. It improves blood circulation and increases oxygen distribution around your body, and allows waste and nutrients to pass through easier. This means you can have a healthier body working at its full potential, and with a greater ability to heal itself.All FDA approved much like Organic Sulfur OS for the maintenance of good health. It’s a safe and natural way to literally recharge your body. It does this by targeting your body at a cellular level to stimulate cell metabolism and improve your health. Organic Sulfur lets your cells permeate ,letting oxygen in and waste out . PEMF aligns your cells with the correct electro magnetic field. Together your body can work effectively with no adverse drug reactions. Literally “Electric Organic Sulfur” when taken together.     
  • Organic Sulfur OS


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Healthy Heart OS

It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to get together for an energetic evening full of fun and making an impact! Organic Sulfur OS wants you to Optimize your Health any way you can. We are excited to see the return on June 10, 2022 to the luxurious Parq Ballroom for the 15th Anniversary gala celebration.

This year’s gala theme is the Roaring Twenties! Plan your 20s outfits and get ready to enjoy a fabulous dinner, entertainment, special guest speakers, raffle, live and silent auction. The BC Lions are the co sponsor of this year’s event. This is one of Vancouver’s premiere charity galas that you won’t want to miss!
Over the past 15 years, Heart & Stroke Gala has raised over $9 million in support of our mission to promote health, save lives and enhance recovery for people living with or at risk from heart disease and stroke. Last month ( feb) was healthy heart month .Now together we can beat stroke, beat heart disease and make a real difference in the lives of our family, friends and colleagues. Please join in to make the 15th anniversary Gala a night to remember!
Tickets available at Heartandstrokegala.ca
Single Ticket: $450
Gala Table of 10: $4,500 | Caring Hearts Table of 10: $6,000

*Limited number of gala tickets available.

​Friday June 10 2022


It’s damned important to take care of your heart for living a long and healthy life. Your “heart age” may in fact be older than you are. 

According to Stats Canada, heart disease is the next cause of mortality in the country behind cancer. It accounts for nearly one in five deaths. It is therefore important to take care of your heart to live a long and healthy life. But did you know that your heart may actually be older than you are?

If you have one or more cardiovascular risk factors, your heart may actually be older than you! For example, even if you are only 55, your heart could be the same age—and therefore be at the same risk for heart attack—as someone who is 65!

There are a multiple factors that can impact the health of your heart and increase your risk of having a cardiac event. Some of these factors are beyond your control:

  • Your age
  • Your gender (men are at higher risk than pre-menopausal women)
  • Your family history of cardiac disease (parents, brother, sister)

Other risk factors, on the other hand are controllable, meaning it is possible to make changes to reduce their impact on your heart:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • High blood cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excess weight
  • Alcohol

Rejuvenation is possible for your heart and reduce your risk of heart disease by taking steps to alter these controllable risk factors. For example you should carefully follow your diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol treatments . Best to adopt healthy lifestyle habits such as 10,000 steps per day. A young heart ❤️ is a healthy heart .



People are looking to improve their health even more these days. Searching for the help they need brings us to Quercetin. What is Quercetin ? And is it similar in any way to Organic Sulfur ? We have made an unbiased comparison for you to decide. Quercetin is a plant pigment (flavonoid). It’s found in many plants and foods, such as red wine, onions, green tea ( chaga ) , apples, and berries. Organic Sulfur is a bi product of trees , more specifically pulp & paper and can be found in eggs , kale , turnip and broccoli in minimal amounts.

Organic Sulfur Benefits

on conditions of the heart and blood vessels Immunity boosting enzyme production increases/assists in > overall resistance to illness

OS promotes efficient kidney and liver functions

Increased growth of healthy hair and strong nails

Helps Increase tissue elasticity helping wrinkle reduction and skin

Assist conditions such as Acne, Psoriasis Roascea Liver Spots

Helps reduce muscle inflammation by increasing tissue flexibility

Helps alleviate chronic headaches by increasing blood circulation

Assists in reducing of airborne allergies and food allergies

Assists with proper production and regulation of insulin levels.

Helps minimize PMS symptoms

Enhancement of glandular production

Balance of acid levels, enzyme levels and hormonal levels

Potential improvement in the following: Cancer, Arthritis, Alzheimers

Benefits of Quercetin

the prevention of cancer


Bladder infections


Yes , there is a gap in benefits of Quercetin as you can see. None of these have actually been proven medically . Quercetin has been touted lately in combination with Vitamin C , D3, and Zinc tablets to fight off the so called seasonal flu and its variants. The “Gun” that shoots the bullets into the cells to stop the virus enzyme from helping the virus replicate. So you have a gun and the bullets. Only the synergy of the two creates a functioning unit. Yes, Quercetin can create a zinc ionphore . But Organic Sulfur’s main function is to actually let you cells permeate ( open and close ) to receive the benefits of Vitamin C, D3 and Zinc tablets if this is what you are looking for . Perhaps OS is the perfect “gun”. Quercetin can be purchased over the counter and should only be taken for a short time , max 12 weeks . It’s side effects are nausea , vomiting , headaches . Meanwhile Organic Sulfur can be part of your daily routine for years taken orally with filtered water . No side effects . Feel free to consult your physician before making any decisions on which is best for you .

No Supply Chain issues .

Organic Sulfur OS is a Canadian company which relies on product of USA . Not once have we encountered a supply chain problem in our 7 year history . Partnership with a renowned facility has made our company the number one in reliability . We have sourced the highest quality FDA approved goods available from our neighbours to the South. We would like to thank the customs brokers and Canadian Border Services for enabling a continuous supply to cross into Canada. All our client orders are sent as expedited mail , fully insured for a flat rate . No discretionary servicing , everyone is treated as Number one at Organic Sulfur OS.    https://www.organicsulfuros.com/https://www.organicsulfuros.com/