Monthly Archives: February 2020

Organic Sulfur takes on COVID-19

Organic Sulfur OS takes on COVID -19

As we all know the Corona Virus is spreading outside of the Wuhan area in China. There is no known cure for the Virus at this time. Prevention is the only route you can take. Cute Mascots for prevention campaigns aren’t going to save you. Leave the face masks for those that need them ( those already infected and their immediate caregivers ). Frequently wash your hands , carry hand sanitizer. Reduce touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. Stay sober this coming month , quit smoking and practice safe sex are all simple ways to build up your all important immunity system. That is the key to becoming a statistic .

Symptoms are similar to the common cold

  • runny nose
  • headache
  • cough
  • a general feeling of not being well

They can escalate to

  • fever
  • chills
  • body aches
  • shortness of breathe

So you think we are not going to tell you how to wash your hands ?

Well, do some role playing like you are scrubbing for surgery as a doctor does on tv. Sing Happy Birthday to yourself while washing, it will be long enough to both cheer you up and clean those hands.

Self quarantine with plenty of liquids is also an option. Stay away from your workplace if you are feeling flu like symptoms . Try working from home if possible. Taking Organic Sulfur OS will help build up your immunity system. You will be more energized with the Oxygen getting to your cells and expelling the waste. Detoxification will boost your bodies immunity levels. There are no side effects to taking OS. This is an inexpensive way to Optimize your Health .