Monthly Archives: September 2020

Staying safe from high smoke environment.

Smoke in Vancouver as forest fires burns

SELF- CARE for Smokey Weather

1. hydrate hydrate hydrate – inside and out:

-drink water, add salt/honey for electrolyte balance, aim for peeing hourly

-place bowls of water around the house – as many as possible – to add humidity to air (this helps particles fall to the floor)

-run your shower a few mins every hour or 2 to add moisture.

-if you have cool mist diffusers or a humidifier, run them

-steam your face over a pot of hot water… add essential oils or garden herbs

-wear a wet cloth around neck, over head, tie wet bandana over face

-listen to Spotify or youtube or other such playlists of Water Sounds – eg RAIN….to help your body register water and lastly try doing a Rain Dance.


– the main thing for this besides water is vitamin C – it’s safe for you to take some every few hours.

– systems may also need extra support from other essential vitamins and minerals… you know what you can take… just know that many body systems will be working harder and using up more resources


-Don’t forget to eat!! your adrenals will be more overworked if you let yourself get really hungry. if you tend to dissociate under stress, set timers or have a friend remind you to eat 3x/day. (ps eating lots of dark leafy greens can really help with detox right now.)

– Lean into connection – if you live with people, see if you can work in the common space together, or check in regularly through the day… anything so your BODY registers that it’s not alone. It’s very natural for body to feel panicky under these conditions – people with certain histories and body chemistries will get there sooner than others. Be kind to yourself and others about this. Do not shame anyone for being fearful. Reach for connection before it gets bad. Offer calming supportive affirming connection to others as often as you can.

-If you live alone, set up phone check ins thru the day. Make an agreement with at least one friend that you can call anytime you start to feel super anxious… maybe sing a song together… avoid talking thru the whole situation over and over, but do use the connection to help you stay oriented and make self-care plans.- Use basic orienting techniques as often as needed.. A good one is to say: “today is ______ and I’m ______years old. I’m in _____(location) and it’s _______(time of day). I’m on _______(street)…” Also helpful to regularly look around your space – slowly turning your head to take in all the corners, the floor, the ceiling…

-BREATHE emphasizing the exhale – let your exhale be just 1 -2 beats longer than your inhale… this is usually calming.

-BE SAFE and Optimize your Health with Organic Sulfur OS which will help your cells detoxify .

  • Myst Organic Sulfur spray for your face and body helps remove toxins .Made with Banf Spring water and Organic Sulfur OS. See website to purchase .