Monthly Archives: October 2019

SAD,Cold & Flu

Winter Blue or Seasonally Affected Disease

The most common symptoms of the winter blues are general sadness and a lack of energy. Other symptoms of the winter blues include the following: Difficulty sleeping. Feeling less social than usual. Difficulty taking initiative. A little light therapy or holiday somewhere warm will do the trick.

So what happened to the cold?
It was always called Cold & Flu season. Today the Media reports on the number of flu cases and the colds aren’t even mentioned!
So when did the flu 
leave the 
in the limelight?

Of course we understand those with suppressed immune systems can get very ill from the flu. But guess what? 
You can get sick from the common cold.

So keep immune systems strong! Or stay in for those who need to and take precautions as needed.

Remember both the cold and flu are from a virus. So again, when did the flu go rogue 
and steal the show?

Let’s get real people, the flu will not be suppressed by a toxic vaccine. Why do you think they need to test a new vaccine on the public annually? It’s because the flu keeps morphing and getting stronger so that it can get passed the vaccine. So they make a new one the next year, test it on the public, because there is no time to test an annual vaccine, so you’re the test dummy. And the flu gets even stronger and morphs again!
You’re basically creating a crazy virus by 
injecting the latest vaccine each year.
Think antibiotics and how that worked out by giving it everyone on the regular. Hmmmm
The reporting of flu patients around the world is basically fear mongering. They actually reported that Australia had the worst flu season ever and its heading our way. Unfortunately they say that every year. So why do they fear monger? To make money! Stop falling for the marketing of something that is not good for you and spend some time actually getting healthy! The latter takes longer but is the best scenario. Because you can’t medicate your way to health, only real organic food and Organic Sulfur ( which is listed as a food by the FDA) will do that.
Happy cold and flu season! Join us on the annual no cold and flu season! Real Organic OS.