Monthly Archives: May 2018

Mental Health Month, Organic Sulfur the Game Changer


Over the last hundred years, mental health professionals have told us that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain. We say your mental health is inseparable from your physical health. Not a new concept, but what is astounding is that something can be done rather than staying silent about it.  May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we at Organic Sulfur OS hope to make changes now.

 Even Men who are vocal about any kind of mental issues can be dismissed as weak, inferior, flawed, broken guys who are more likely to be ostracized for their honesty, instead of rewarded for their bravery. Instead of affording a fellow man compassion, we mock, belittle, and turn a blind eye. We freely spit the phrase, “Man up,” as though your gender alone should suffice to guide you through your darkest times. Or worse: we nonchalantly respond,“Well, that sucks,” then change the subject because talking about feelings is just too real. There are great organisations like Food For Men Foundation that help give people a second chance for that.

  Millions face depression a on a daily basis.  They  take antidepressants which seem to be doing far more harm than good. From lying about being tired and cranky to full blown , schizophrenic , bulimic , Alzheimer’s patients.  It’s Real !   Don’t rely on mind numbing with alcohol or drugs , thats the fast lane to suicide.  Mental Health is killing people, period. If we want to get rid of the modern depression, we have to change our body .Give your mind a better starting point , a reset so to speak.  Optimize your Health starting now !

Organic Sulfur gets Oxygen to your cells , your entire body feels elated. It is  now functioning the way it was designed. Depression and cravings  begin to disappear. There are no side effects. Life becomes fuller. All 37 trillion cells  in your body ,including your brain need valuable Oxygen.  Lets start over and with the way people look at mental health and change the ending.