” Does Organic Sulfur have the possibility to help prevent and even relieve neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s and Dementia?”
- Eases the body’s detoxification process by increasing the oxygen level in cells
- Enables cell regeneration and healing even after after years of being scarred or damaged
- Improves cell membrane permeability , allowing cells to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins and waste
- Help the body’s ability to rebalance and eliminate unhealthy pathogens since they cannot thrive in a higher oxygen environment
- Improves the utilization of amino acids in the body
- Perform an important role in protecting the body from oxidative damage and radiation damage due to sun exposure and radiation treatments for cancer
- Improves and encourages healthy cell regeneration and removes plaque
Organic Sulfur OS is not a vitamin or a drug. It is classified as a food by the federal health agencies of Canada and the US. We are able to ship worldwide. Don’t be a statistic.