Monthly Archives: June 2019

Why the interest in Weed, Is it Hopium all over again?

Turns out people are willing to try an alternativel way to combat pain or depression. Look at the opioid  crisis. Ask why Americans are interested in trying legal pot, and the results were astounding.Americans don’t want to get high or experience the effects of the psychoactive THC compound found in Marijuana.This could also be why CBD (cannabidiol) oil has had a rise in popularity as well since there is not enough THC in CBD oil to have a mind-altering effect.
In fact, those who said they’d consume the plant if it were legalized were most likely to cite pain treatment and other wellness-related reasons. They don’t want Big Pharma telling them what to do.Top reasons cited for potential weed consumption included treatment of chronic pain (85%), mental-health improvement (82%), treatment of minor injuries (81%), sleep aid (77%) and relaxation (74%). You’ve got to ask , how did you get into such bad health America?
Ans: Bad diet , processed food, not enough exercise. Pretty simple.
Additional sources of interest in consuming cannabis included treatment of a non-pain medical condition (63%), disease or ailment prevention (60%), improvement of physical health (58%) and having a good time with friends and family (48%). Enhancement of spirituality rounded out the bottom of the list, at 28%?

Cannabis is an area that could stand to be studied more in depth. Do we really know the side effects? We all know what smoking can do to our lungs. So why gamble with your health?  It doesn’t appear that the demand for natural pain relieving products will be waning in the near future. What is even more interesting, is that about four in ten people who have headache or migraine pain (40%), people who have arthritic pain (40%) and people who have back and neck pain (41%) expressed an interest in alternative relief.

As for the “why” behind these cannabis-curious adults, 69% said pot seemed “more natural” to them than prescription medications .Those who already currently use prescription medications would weigh the benefits of using the plant to treat their symptoms, seven in 10 perceived it to be more effective than over-the-counter or prescription options, and 67% thought it was healthier.

Weed can mask the pain to some extent like prescription drugs . It is not a cure . Don’t bet on Hope. It will not make your ill health go away.
Unfortunately people have not taken care of themselves over the years and are looking for fix. 
Optimize your Health America.  Do your own research. Do something positive.