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How to take Organic Sulfur

What is the best possible way to take Organic Sulfur ?



Proper hydration is crucial in Organic Sulfur therapy.

Filtered water consumption is always necessary for toxins to be removed in healthy cell activity.  Consuming Organic Sulfur amplifies detoxification therefore hydration facilitates the process.

Research shows chlorine and fluoride present in regular tap water from municipal water systems, interfere with optimal absorption of Organic Sulfur.  Filtered and alkaline water consumption is highly advised.  Alkaline water is probably the finest way to benefit from OS . A pinch of Ascorbic Acid ( vitamin C ) mixed with your water or choice will make this the bullet proof cocktail you need to build up your body’s immune system.

Do not add Sulfur in water placed in the microwave to boil.  Sulfur vaporizes at 270F, microwaves operate at or above 400F.  Microwave use is not advised due to molecular changes in H2o.  However, if used, heat water first then add Sulfur.

Recommended Dose:

Daily dose, twice per day, 10 hours apart preferably on an empty stomach.

Beginner Dosage Schedule:

Week 1: Begin with ¼ teaspoon twice per day

Week 2: Increase to ½ teaspoon twice per day

Week 3: ¾ teaspoon twice per day

Week 4: 1 teaspoon twice per day

Build to 1/5 teaspoon per 100 lbs of body weight in following weeks by increments of ¼ teaspoon twice daily.  (For moderately healthy person)

Options to take OS

Option 1: Dissolve recommended amount in at least 10-12oz of warm filtered water. Consume.

Option 2: place amount directly into mouth and chew.  Consume 10-12oz of filtered water

If the mineral taste is unappealing at first ,we suggest adding a squeeze of lime juice .

Bioavailable  Organic Sulfur  can be found online at

organic sulfur

organic sulfur

How to protect against Ebola type viruses

  Prevention is the first step against Ebola and Zika

The fear of the Ebola and lately the Zika virus has spread worldwide.Pharmaceutical companies are racing for a cure. The side effect will be unknown for years. It is important to realize there is a natural path to take and readily available to you. The key is to make your body bullet proof by strengthening your immune system. How many of your friends and co workers seem to pick up flu and cold viruses so easily? Their systems are weakened and vulnerable. Take the time to detox the bad bacteria from the wrong foods and lifestyle you lead.  Prevent infection the best way you can with  natural route such as Organic Sulfur.

Abstaining from tobacco ,  limiting alcohol consumption  , eliminating Chronic Stress and avoiding high salt /sugar diet are recommended

At this point in time there is no known cure for the Ebola or Zika virus.  Not investing in your immune system would be detrimental to your health. Lets try the natural route as medicines have not proven safe. Be sure to contact a physician if you have any virus type symptoms immediately.

organic sulfur os


Organic Sulfur for Natural Beauty

High Maintenance versus Natural Beauty


Ever wonder how much women spend on beauty products ?  Over a lifetime it’s estimated at + $16,000.  Women really want to have that natural beauty but use cosmetics to try to achieve this. Advertising has taught women this. A simple cost effective way to reach this goal is through Organic Sulfur. At $25 per 354 g  which will last about two months it is a real bargain.  Try to find something that makes your skin soft all over and facial wrinkles smooth out  with natural cellular detoxification. Hair becomes thicker and grows faster . Nails become stronger and also grow faster ( sorry men) . Your natural beauty will shine. Looking and feeling younger seem to be a good trade off to the High maintenance many women strive for . Men will search for  the natural look, not a painted face in a relationship. It’s a game breaker. No more hours wasted applying cosmetics ladies.

If you work long hours as in the movie and television industry you will need to look your best everyday. Organic Sulfur gives you the natural beauty actors and actresses demand to compete in this industry. Organic Sulfur OS is the biggest distributor to this industry for a reason , it works! Hair and make up depts make Organic Sulfur Available to actresses who  appear to be ageless year after year. It is a trade secret. The benefits of age defying  Organic Sulfur OS is the underlying mineral needed to build, repair, refresh, nourish, and cleanse the cells of your body.  Organic Sulfur OS to be taken as a simple daily regime of 1 teaspoon twice a day with filtered water.

Look for   and read about the additional benefits of Sulfur Crystals as well.  We ship within 24 hours worldwide .

Make Organic Sulfur OS your daily regime for natural beauty , it is so simple you would have wished someone had told you about this years ago to save you time and money. Thank you .

organic sulfur os

Organic Sulfur OS

Organic vs GMO labels

Why should Organic  foods have to be USGA approved to be” Organic ” and GMO altered crops have no distinction? Shouldn’t the public be informed? Label products or not?





In Europe all GM food is to be labeled unless GM ingredients amount to 0.9 % or less. While the U.S. does not require labels on the opinion that GMO food is not materially different than non-modified food. Opponents of labeling state it would scare consumers away from certain foods, giving the  general appearance that there is something wrong with them. Some U.S. activists insist consumers should have the right to choose whether to purchase  GMO foods and that labeling would offer them that choice, whether the foods are safe or not.


Organic Sulfur Radiation detox (Fukushima update 2014)

The People of Japan are very aware of the dangers of Nuclear radiation from Fukushima . Organic Sulfur detoxifies  contaminants entering our bodies.
Besides iodine , another powerful supplement to protect from radiation is Organic Sulfur OS. The Sulfur reacts with radioactive mineral isotopes, rendering them into harmless sulfates. This reaction occurs naturally because of the electronsthat are available in Sulfur’s atomic structure. FUKUSHIMA FLUE(2)

Meanwhile, Back At Fukushima …

Even With Ebola, ISIS, Ukraine and Wild Stock Market Swings … Fukushima Still Ranks As Imporant World News

Nothing has been fixed at Fukushima.

After typhoon Phanfone dumped a bunch of water on Fukushima earlier this month, radioactive tritium levels jumped tenfold.

After typhoon Vongfong dumped a bunch more water on the plant, radioactive cesium and strontium levels soared.

Radiation levels in the water are at all-time highs.

Officials said there’s nothing they can do to stop it, and they have no idea how much radiation is running into the ocean.

The reactors didn’t just suffer a melt down, or even a China syndrome type melt-through, but a series ofmelt outs. Scientists have no idea where the cores of the nuclear reactors are. Well actually, maybe theyhave found them … scattered all over kingdom come.

The Japanese have dumped their plan to build an “ice wall” around the plant to contain the radiation. Indeed, they don’t have much of a plan to stabilize the reactors or contain the radiation. Their plan seems to be to dump it all in the ocean.

And Fukushima radiation is approaching the West Coast of North America …

As the Statesman Journal reports:

Radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster is approaching the West Coast, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is reporting.

A sample taken Aug. 2 about 1,200 kilometers west of Vancouver, B.C. tested positive for Cesium 134, the Fukushima “fingerprint” of Fukushima.

It also showed higher-than-background levels of Cesium 137, another Fukushima isotope that already is present in the world’s oceans from nuclear testing in the 1950s and 1960s.


“There is definitely offshore Fukushima cesium now,” Buesseler said. “It’s not on the beaches, but it’s offshore.”

Massive amounts of contaminated water were released from Fukushima following a March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Radioactive water has continued to leak and be released from the complex.

No state or federal agency is testing Pacific waters for radiation from the crippled Japanese nuclear plant.

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Organic Sulfur OS Global Logo and update

Organic Sulfur is a food as noted by Canadian and US agencies. There is No Patent on Sulfur. Drug companies cannot manipulate the cost /price ratio and have dismissed its profitability. More than a nutrient, not a vitamin, not a supplement, not a drug. It occurs naturally in plant life and water from non-municipal sources. Humans do not have the ability to store organic sulfur within our bodies. Found in fresh organic unstored and uncooked foods like fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy, organic sulfur does not survive in any foods that have been stored, cooked, shipped or refrigerated. Unless dietary intake is mostly organic and unprocessed, one is likely to experience insufficient organic sulfur presence in the body. Therefore taking Organic Sulfur OS crystals twice daily is recommended for a healthy benefits. 

organic sulfur OS

We are able to ship 100% Bio Available Organic Sulfur OS  online within 24 hrs

Organic Sulfur OS “New Look” news

It’s being shipped now, the New look of Organic Sulfur OS. The product is the same 100% Bio Available Organic Sulfur our customers demand.We have improved the packaging to meet your personal and retail needs. You asked for the best possible product and we’ve responded to those expectations

We are shipping Organic Sulfur OS everyday within 24 hours except Sunday. Your order is important to us . Thanks to all our new and loyal customers.



Benefits of Organic Sulfur OS

organic sulfur os

Organic Sulfur OS can play a key role in optimizing your health in the following areas:

Immunity boosting enzyme production increases/assists in overall
resistance to illness

OS promotes efficient kidney and liver functions by balancing the body
between acidity and alkalinity

Increased growth of healthy hair and strong nails

Helps Increase tissue elasticity helping wrinkle reduction and
softens the skin

Helps assist skin conditions such as Acne, Psoriasis Roascea Liver Spots

Helps reduce muscle inflammation by increasing tissue flexibility

Helps alleviate chronic headaches by increasing blood circulation

Assists in reducing the irritants of airborne allergies and food allergies
with efficient elimination of free radical and toxins

Assists with proper production and regulation of insulin levels.

Helps minimize PMS symptoms

Enhancement of glandular production

Balance of acid levels, enzyme levels and hormonal levels

Recent studies show potential improvement in the following: Cancer,
Arthritis Osteoporosis, Diverticultis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinsons’
disease, Autism, Emphasema, Hepatitis C, HIV and Sexual Response

545947_10151182225800202_831259851_n Years ago I took the time to educate myself on Organic Sulfur.I made the conscious choice to really focus on my health. I researched and found the right 100% bio available Organic Sulfur crystals and started to incorporate it into my daily diet. I quickly started to feel rejuvenated, and full of energy. I knew it was working throughout my body because I never looked more vibrant in years according to my family physician. In order to optimize your health, I highly recommend including Organic Sulfur in your daily  regime and consulting your own Doctor.

organic sulfur os

Organic Sulfur OS