Tag Archives: walking

The Privilege of Sitting is killing you.

Is Sedentary way of life is the new Smoking? Yes Sitting is killing you ! We believe sitting at work is a bonus, no strain or stress it’s a privilege we earned from machines doing our work and from for the highly educated to work in an office.  Wrong! The world health organization ( WHO) say inactivity  is the 4th biggest killer of adults worldwide and responsible for 9% of premature deaths. People spend most of their waking hours sitting and get insufficient activity, a recipe for the promotion of hypertension, diabetes and even premature mortality. This is world wide and starts with our youth from frequent, prolonged sitting—at work, commuting ,gaming, and watching TV at night—significantly impacts your cardiovascular and metabolic function.

The answer is actually  so simple  ” Stand up “.  It’s not a matter of spending an hour training in the gym to come home and sit on the sofa the rest of the evening. Ideally one should only be seated three hours out of your day , a far cry from the 12 hrs people are at now. It’s estimated that less than 20% of people  get the 150 minutes a week of vigorous physical activity recommended for a healthy lifestyle.  Just 1hr of sitting impaires blood flow to the main leg artery by as much as fifty %. By simply taking a 5 minute walk for every hour spent sitting was found to ameliorate the heart disease risks associated with chronic sitting. You need to Stand up and walk for every 50 mins seated.  Simple .

Walking is your new Medicine , a one hour walk can cut the threat of stroke in half for men. Imagine stepping that up to two and three hour walks. Get a pedometer to track your progress. Not only will your overall health improve you will also become more productive , sore backs disappear, sex life returns. Expensive Hospitalization is another factor you want to avoid.

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