Tag Archives: taste of organic sulfur

Google Ad for Organic Sulfur OS purchase now


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When searching Google for Organic Sulfur ,look for our click ad to purchase directly . No flipping through page after page in your effort to disseminate which site to go to. You will find the direct link at the top , bottom or side. We are constantly working to make your search simple.  Don’t be misled by brands claiming to use crystal form Sulfur. Crystal form is an older and inferior process which leads to impurities. Look for Organic Sulfur flakes. MSM in pill form is also something to avoid.  Pills need an additive such as silica to run through a machine so as not to clog the parts. This filler will nullify the benefits of their product. look for 100% bio-available  Organic Sulfur and 100% pure clear white granular flake form . We ship local and worldwide unlike other companies.  #1 supplier of Organic Sulfur to the Entertainment industry for health and beauty .
organic sulfur os

How to take Organic Sulfur

What is the best possible way to take Organic Sulfur ?



Proper hydration is crucial in Organic Sulfur therapy.

Filtered water consumption is always necessary for toxins to be removed in healthy cell activity.  Consuming Organic Sulfur amplifies detoxification therefore hydration facilitates the process.

Research shows chlorine and fluoride present in regular tap water from municipal water systems, interfere with optimal absorption of Organic Sulfur.  Filtered and alkaline water consumption is highly advised.  Alkaline water is probably the finest way to benefit from OS . A pinch of Ascorbic Acid ( vitamin C ) mixed with your water or choice will make this the bullet proof cocktail you need to build up your body’s immune system.

Do not add Sulfur in water placed in the microwave to boil.  Sulfur vaporizes at 270F, microwaves operate at or above 400F.  Microwave use is not advised due to molecular changes in H2o.  However, if used, heat water first then add Sulfur.

Recommended Dose:

Daily dose, twice per day, 10 hours apart preferably on an empty stomach.

Beginner Dosage Schedule:

Week 1: Begin with ¼ teaspoon twice per day

Week 2: Increase to ½ teaspoon twice per day

Week 3: ¾ teaspoon twice per day

Week 4: 1 teaspoon twice per day

Build to 1/5 teaspoon per 100 lbs of body weight in following weeks by increments of ¼ teaspoon twice daily.  (For moderately healthy person)

Options to take OS

Option 1: Dissolve recommended amount in at least 10-12oz of warm filtered water. Consume.

Option 2: place amount directly into mouth and chew.  Consume 10-12oz of filtered water

If the mineral taste is unappealing at first ,we suggest adding a squeeze of lime juice .

Bioavailable  Organic Sulfur  can be found online at www.OrganicSulfurOS.com

organic sulfur

organic sulfur