Tag Archives: organic sulfur os

Fast growing Strong Nails with Organic Sulfur

Organic Sulfur OS builds Strong Nails quickly

organic sulfur for fingernails

 One of the many Benefits of Organic Sulfur is the ability to form strong nails .It is highly  present in Keratin , the tough substance in hair , nails and skin. Because the body never stops producing new cells Sulfur has a 24 hr a day job . Without proper nutrition the body can run short of the building blocks it needs.The lack of Sulfur compromises the bodies ability to to repair or replace damaged tissue and organs.The inability of your body to perform causes it to produce dysfunctional cells , which in turn lead to illness and disease. 

organic sulfur Doctors can spot a patient’s illness simply by looking at their nails.The Variation of color and texture with your fingernails can indicate much more than the presence of brittle or strong nails. To healthcare professionals, these slight deviations and imperfections can be clues about your overall health and well-being. Strong nails are healthy nails that are well cared for. A balanced diet is essential for strong, healthy nails because eating right  and taking Organic Sulfur OS is the foundation to optimizing your health.

organic sulfur os

Tips like moisturizing your nails are important steps in keeping your fingernails strong and healthy. Proper cuticle care promotes strong nails. When reviewing healthy nails the toenails cannot be neglected. Wear properly fitted shoes because they can place excessive pressure on your toes and ingrown toenails may develop as a result. Be observant for nail problems on both your feet and hands. If a problem develops and does not go away on its own or it is associated with other symptoms, you should see your family physician.

                                                                      Contact Organic Sulfur OS

FDA Registered Organic Sulfur

fdaOrganic Sulfur OS comes from an FDA registered facility in the United States. What is an FDA registered facility and why is this important ?  Organic Sulfur is recognized as an unexpirable  food by both the Canadian and American Customs services. It is not a drug. As part of the provisions of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 also known as the Bioterrorism Act the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) , as the food regulatory agency of the Department of Health and Human Services , to take steps to protect the public from threatened or actual terrorist attacks on the US food supply and other food related emergencies. Registration means our product has met the highest quality controls available. These are done at a modern state of the art facility and not a third party entity.
Preventive duties of the FDA include:

  • Mandatory preventive controls for food facilities
Food facilities are required to implement a written preventive controls plan. This involves: (1) evaluating the hazards that could affect food safety, (2) specifying what preventive steps, or controls, will be put in place to significantly minimize or prevent the hazards, (3) specifying how the facility will monitor these controls to ensure they are working, (4) maintaining routine records of the monitoring, and (5) specifying what actions the facility will take to correct problems that arise.
  • Mandatory produce safety standards
FDA must establish science-based, minimum standards for the safe production and harvesting of fruits and vegetables. Those standards must consider naturally occurring hazards, as well as those that may be introduced either unintentionally or intentionally, and must address soil amendments (materials added to the soil such as compost), hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animals in the growing area and water.
  • Authority to prevent intentional contamination
FDA must issue regulations to protect against the intentional adulteration of food, including the establishment of science-based mitigation strategies to prepare and protect the food supply chain at specific vulnerable points.
organic sulfur oswww.OrganicSulfurOS.com

How to take Organic Sulfur

What is the best possible way to take Organic Sulfur ?



Proper hydration is crucial in Organic Sulfur therapy.

Filtered water consumption is always necessary for toxins to be removed in healthy cell activity.  Consuming Organic Sulfur amplifies detoxification therefore hydration facilitates the process.

Research shows chlorine and fluoride present in regular tap water from municipal water systems, interfere with optimal absorption of Organic Sulfur.  Filtered and alkaline water consumption is highly advised.  Alkaline water is probably the finest way to benefit from OS . A pinch of Ascorbic Acid ( vitamin C ) mixed with your water or choice will make this the bullet proof cocktail you need to build up your body’s immune system.

Do not add Sulfur in water placed in the microwave to boil.  Sulfur vaporizes at 270F, microwaves operate at or above 400F.  Microwave use is not advised due to molecular changes in H2o.  However, if used, heat water first then add Sulfur.

Recommended Dose:

Daily dose, twice per day, 10 hours apart preferably on an empty stomach.

Beginner Dosage Schedule:

Week 1: Begin with ¼ teaspoon twice per day

Week 2: Increase to ½ teaspoon twice per day

Week 3: ¾ teaspoon twice per day

Week 4: 1 teaspoon twice per day

Build to 1/5 teaspoon per 100 lbs of body weight in following weeks by increments of ¼ teaspoon twice daily.  (For moderately healthy person)

Options to take OS

Option 1: Dissolve recommended amount in at least 10-12oz of warm filtered water. Consume.

Option 2: place amount directly into mouth and chew.  Consume 10-12oz of filtered water

If the mineral taste is unappealing at first ,we suggest adding a squeeze of lime juice .

Bioavailable  Organic Sulfur  can be found online at www.OrganicSulfurOS.com

organic sulfur

organic sulfur