Tag Archives: natural

Beauty and Health with Organic Sulfur OS

    How to stay Healthy and Beautiful  

The human body is pretty amazing , having the ability to regenerate our cells. Our perfect creation is hampered by diseases of modern civilization.  Long ago there were fewer things that upon entering our body that could be easily detoxified  and excreted by kidneys, liver, lungs and mucous membranes.  These days we consume far too much animal protein, fats, processed food, additives, white flour, sugar and salt . We have more stress and we exercise less. We encounter toxins everywhere from chemicals in the workplace to body care products at home. Environmental pollution from exhaust , pesticides to GMO crops. The list is almost endless.  Unable to cope with this modern burden our bodies accumulate these toxic residues in water /fat  deposits.  Your body is now out of balance. That perfect body nature created no longer exists .  The symptoms may seem irrelevant at first,headaches , fatigue, sick days from work. Nothing your doctor would suspect. These toxins initially build up in fatty tissue then move to connective tissue, joints and muscles. This leads to inflammation which finally ends in your brain and heart. In women the toxic residue shows up in the form of cellulite around the hips and thighs. Men tend to form a large stomach or belly.

Time to Purify your Body though Oxygenation , a Healthy diet and lifestyle to match. Your body needs Oxygen to eliminate toxins from the cells up. Organic Sulfur is the number one facilitator for this . Sufficient amounts of filtered water are number two in the removal of said toxic residue. So Avoid harmful things to your precious body , Eat a sensible diet , excrete the toxins . Pretty simple method that actually works if you stick to it.  A balanced diet rich in vegetables, salads , quinoa, buckwheat , rice ,millet, beans and some fruits is imperative to our bodies resetting . Your skin will glow , your joint pain will fade away. Another perk of simple purification can be weight loss due to the break up of deposits stored in body fat.  Not drinking enough filtered water , lack of exercise , and poor blood circulation promotes impurity deposits to form. Start your healthy lifestyle today and retain your Beauty.


Organic Sulfur Radiation detox (Fukushima update 2014)

The People of Japan are very aware of the dangers of Nuclear radiation from Fukushima . Organic Sulfur detoxifies  contaminants entering our bodies.
Besides iodine , another powerful supplement to protect from radiation is Organic Sulfur OS. The Sulfur reacts with radioactive mineral isotopes, rendering them into harmless sulfates. This reaction occurs naturally because of the electronsthat are available in Sulfur’s atomic structure. FUKUSHIMA FLUE(2)

Meanwhile, Back At Fukushima …

Even With Ebola, ISIS, Ukraine and Wild Stock Market Swings … Fukushima Still Ranks As Imporant World News

Nothing has been fixed at Fukushima.

After typhoon Phanfone dumped a bunch of water on Fukushima earlier this month, radioactive tritium levels jumped tenfold.

After typhoon Vongfong dumped a bunch more water on the plant, radioactive cesium and strontium levels soared.

Radiation levels in the water are at all-time highs.

Officials said there’s nothing they can do to stop it, and they have no idea how much radiation is running into the ocean.

The reactors didn’t just suffer a melt down, or even a China syndrome type melt-through, but a series ofmelt outs. Scientists have no idea where the cores of the nuclear reactors are. Well actually, maybe theyhave found them … scattered all over kingdom come.

The Japanese have dumped their plan to build an “ice wall” around the plant to contain the radiation. Indeed, they don’t have much of a plan to stabilize the reactors or contain the radiation. Their plan seems to be to dump it all in the ocean.

And Fukushima radiation is approaching the West Coast of North America …

As the Statesman Journal reports:

Radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster is approaching the West Coast, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is reporting.

A sample taken Aug. 2 about 1,200 kilometers west of Vancouver, B.C. tested positive for Cesium 134, the Fukushima “fingerprint” of Fukushima.

It also showed higher-than-background levels of Cesium 137, another Fukushima isotope that already is present in the world’s oceans from nuclear testing in the 1950s and 1960s.


“There is definitely offshore Fukushima cesium now,” Buesseler said. “It’s not on the beaches, but it’s offshore.”

Massive amounts of contaminated water were released from Fukushima following a March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Radioactive water has continued to leak and be released from the complex.

No state or federal agency is testing Pacific waters for radiation from the crippled Japanese nuclear plant.

www.OrganicSulfurOS.comorganic sulfur