Life with a Chronic Disease, A Spoonie and Organic Sulfur OS.

attachment-spoonie-jpg-750xauto@2x (1)What is a Spoonie you may be asking?

Living with a Chronic Disease or an autoimmune disease that can be closely related to fibromyalgia, a disorder involving widespread pain, fatigue, and trouble sleeping, among other symptoms makes you live your life at a slower pace. The spoon theory goes something like this: A person starts the day with a certain number of spoons. Each spoon represents a burst of energy. Each task a Spoonie completes a spoon is removed and cannot be replaced that day. In any case, the fatigue associated with the disorders makes completing any basic life tasks difficult. The trick is not to run out of your spoons or you might find yourself bedridden and incapacitated. These illnesses are often invisible; to most people, spoonies may appear healthy and able-bodied, especially when they are young.

You are now a Spoonie.

Recently Spoonies have discovered Organic Sulfur as a natural alternative to Meds which may or may not be be helping them. Organic Sulfur brings Oxygen to the cells in your entire body as you know by now. This gives you the extra energy to fight pain from inflammation and fight fatigue.  Optimize your Health is what we say. Contact us for more information regarding relief




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