Organic Sulfur OS vital to all cells

Basically, minerals are needed for the absorption and utilization of vitamins and enzyme as is oxygen is vital to all your cells.

Testing can be done  to determine which nutrients each of us is deficient in. However, as the natural Sulfur Cycle has been depleted  due to farming techniques using fertilizers our soil and plants therein have been depleted of a number of micronutrients such as sulfur which our bodies need .It would be highly unlikely that any of us are not deficient in sulfur. As sulfur is so close to oxygen on the Periodic Table and it functions,particularly in the presence of abundant vitamin C, to carry oxygen to all the cells of the body  One can be inclined to call it “the master micronutrients”.

Cell walls are made permeable by organic sulfur and allow for absorption of other nutrients, oxygen and amino acids. with the use of organic, unadulterated sulfur with no additives such as silica in pill form. Cell walls open to release toxins, waste and heavy metals. And, too, Dr. Stanley Jacob, M.D., who worked in the Oregon Pain Management Clinic for many years and was a pioneer in the use of DMSO as well as Sulfur and who saw thousands of patients in the 1990s has learned that as sulfur passes through the cellular membranes of the body, including the skin. It has many benefits such as 1) It is analgesic (relieves pain) 2) It reduces inflammation 3) it dilates blood vessels and as a vasodilator increases blood flow.

Optimize Your Health with Organic Sulfur .

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