Plan B Organic Sulfur

Imagine if one day, you wake up and your body is in agony. It feels like lead, you’re exhausted, and you have no answers.

Your joints are swollen without any reason or explanation for it. Now it takes weeks for the joints to get better; if they actually do get better.

Months or maybe even years go by trying to find out what is wrong with you knowing that no one understands the amount of pain and hurt you are feeling.

Your doctor has not been able to diagnose what is wrong with you yet.

Perhaps they have, and your world is now completely turned upside down.

Your doctor has given you the worst news you could ever have imagined and you’re devastated.

You fall into depression and despair.

You feel that you are becoming a burden to your family.

Your once perfect body could do everything with ease now struggles to do the minimalist task.

You think no one believes how much pain you’re in and how exhausted you feel because you don’t look sick.

Those closest to you may think you’re just being lazy, clingy and needy.

You’re trying your best to get through every day, but it is unbelievably hard.

You sink even further into depression because no one understands, and you start to feel so alone.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you see a shadow of the person you used to be.

You can’t recognize yourself because of the endless excruciating pain, fatigue and sleepless nights.

People think you only have a few sore joints , part of aging.

No one sees all the other awful symptoms that you have to deal with each day.

The horrific pain, exhaustion and lack of mobility start to crush all the beautiful dreams you once had for yourself.

You’ve lost all hope of ever living the life you had imagined because arthritis is consuming everything about you.

You don’t think you’ll ever feel happy again and you’ve resigned yourself that this is just how it’s going to be for the rest of your life.

You think you are a Spoonie living your life at a slower pace now because of the symptoms and pain.

Or you can chose Plan B

Yes you can choose to take back the control of your life and live a life that is pain free, full of energy, joy and confidence.Recently people are discovering Organic Sulfur as a natural alternative to meds which may or not be helping them. Organic Sulfur brings Oxygen to the cells in your entire body. This gives you the extra energy to fight pain from inflammation and fight fatigue. Optimize your Health is what we say.

Organic Sulfur OS endures the outbreak.

Organic Sulfur OS has remained open throughout the Covid -19 pandemic. It’s been hard to keep a business running when everyone must isolate . We would like to send our thanks to our American partners and clients around the world to get us through.

Glad people followed our immunity Tips last month to remain healthy. Big shout out to all the nurses and front line workers .

Immunity Tips Organic Sulfur

So you finally want to boost your immunity. You may be wondering how to help your body fight off illnesses. While building up your immunity may sound complicated there are several simple dietary and lifestyle changes that can strengthen your body’s natural defences and help you fight harmful pathogens, or disease-causing organisms.

Here are 10 wake up tips to strengthen your immunity naturally.

1. Get enough sleep

Inadequate sleep may increase your risk of getting sick. Most adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

2. Eat more whole plant foods

Several whole plant foods contain antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C, all of which may lower your susceptibility to illness.

3. Eat more healthy fats

Healthy fats like olive oil and omega-3s are highly anti-inflammatory. Since chronic inflammation can suppress your immune system, these fats may naturally combat illnesses.

4. Eat more fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement

Gut health and immunity are deeply interconnected. Fermented foods and probiotics may bolster your immune system by helping it identify and target harmful pathogens.

5. Limit added sugars

Added sugars contribute significantly to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, all of which can suppress your immune system. Lowering your sugar intake may decrease inflammation and your risk of these conditions.

6. Engage in moderate exercise

Moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and promote the healthy turnover of immune cells. Jogging, biking, walking, swimming, and hiking are great options.

7. Stay hydrated

Given that dehydration can make you more susceptible to illness, be sure you’re drinking plenty of water each day.

8. Manage your stress levels

Lowering your stress levels through meditation, yoga, exercise, and other practices can help keep your immune system functioning properly.

9. Supplement wisely

Though some supplements may fight viral infections, none have been proven to be effective against COVID-19. If you decide to supplement, make sure to purchase products that have been tested by a third party.

10. Bottom line

You can make several lifestyle and dietary changes today to strengthen your immune system. These include reducing your sugar intake, staying hydrated, working out regularly, getting adequate sleep, and managing your stress levels. Although none of these suggestions can prevent COVID-19, they may reinforce your body’s defences against harmful pathogens.

*An important note

No supplement, diet, or lifestyle modification — aside from social distancing and practicing proper hygiene ⁠— can protect you from developing COVID-19.The strategies outlined above may boost your immune health, but they don’t protect specifically against COVID-19.

It’s Different this time, but…

 This time it’s different ,but….

Throughout history, rich and poor countries alike have been living large, crashing–and recovering–their way through an extraordinary range of health crises. Each time, the experts have chimed, “this time is different”–claiming that the old rules of healthy living no longer apply and that the new situation bears little similarity to past disasters. New studies, definitively prove them wrong. Covering sixty-six countries across five continents,Organic Sulfur OS presents a comprehensive look at the varieties of pandemic crises, and guides us through eight astonishing centuries of government defaults, panic, and death toll spikes–from the Spanish Flu to today’s COVID 19 catastrophe.

You have to look backwards, sideways and forwards all at the same time, examining Pandemic crises of the past, drawing comparisons with the current crisis, and outlining some ways those of the future may be spotted on the horizon and at least alleviated. We’ve been warned particularly of the all-too-frequent tendency of developing countries to assume that the good times will never end and therefore to live profligately, a tendency also seen in certain developed countries. Find the steepest point in the uptrend and extrapolate to infinity. We’re Healthy forever, ha !

One of the Main Benefits of Organic Sulfur OS is immunity boosting enzyme production to increases/assists in overall resistance to illness . It is a factor in the maintenance of good health and wellness. So why aren’t you taking it ? Your cells need to permeate more efficiently to get needed Oxygen to them. Permeability is the main function of Organic Sulfur when taken on a regular basis. 

Our Generation has forgotten about the H1N1 pandemic already. Have we not learned anything from the past ? The World is facing an epic catastrophe because we haven’t been taking care of ourselves and building up our immune system.People are filling Hospitals and yes dying.

Remind young people in your life that they can get sick from this virus. More importantly, they can be carriers and cause a lot of harm to parents, grandparents, and other loved ones. 

We can do this, but we can’t wait one more hour or one more day. Let’s save lives, together.


Organic Sulfur OS

Organic Sulfur takes on COVID-19

Organic Sulfur OS takes on COVID -19

As we all know the Corona Virus is spreading outside of the Wuhan area in China. There is no known cure for the Virus at this time. Prevention is the only route you can take. Cute Mascots for prevention campaigns aren’t going to save you. Leave the face masks for those that need them ( those already infected and their immediate caregivers ). Frequently wash your hands , carry hand sanitizer. Reduce touching your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands. Stay sober this coming month , quit smoking and practice safe sex are all simple ways to build up your all important immunity system. That is the key to becoming a statistic .

Symptoms are similar to the common cold

  • runny nose
  • headache
  • cough
  • a general feeling of not being well

They can escalate to

  • fever
  • chills
  • body aches
  • shortness of breathe

So you think we are not going to tell you how to wash your hands ?

Well, do some role playing like you are scrubbing for surgery as a doctor does on tv. Sing Happy Birthday to yourself while washing, it will be long enough to both cheer you up and clean those hands.

Self quarantine with plenty of liquids is also an option. Stay away from your workplace if you are feeling flu like symptoms . Try working from home if possible. Taking Organic Sulfur OS will help build up your immunity system. You will be more energized with the Oxygen getting to your cells and expelling the waste. Detoxification will boost your bodies immunity levels. There are no side effects to taking OS. This is an inexpensive way to Optimize your Health .

Organic Sulfur OS is a Bio Brand

Did you know Organic Sulfur OS is a bi product of Trees or more specifically pulp and paper. It seems planting trees not only benefits the environment, but also your health. It helps preserve natural resources , prevent soil erosion and creates animal habitats. By working together , local communities can fight against climate change and create sustainable ecosystems for our future generations. Bio Diversity is one of our goals. Plant a tree and wear the badge of beauty/health..

Running on Organic Sulfur OS

Even running just once a week could significantly lower your risk of death

Research has found that any amount of running, and even at a slow pace, could be beneficial for health and could help lower an individual’s risk of death.

Carried out by researchers in Australia, Thailand, Austria, and Finland, the analysis looked at 14 existing studies which had tracked the health of a total of 232,149 people for between 5.5 and 35 years.

The researchers analyzed the data to investigate the association between running/jogging and the risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The findings, published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, showed that any amount of running appeared to lower the risk of death from all causes for both men and women by 27 percent, compared with no running at all.

In addition, any amount of running was associated with a 30 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 23 percent lower risk of death from cancer.

Even the smallest dose of running, which in this study was running just once a week for less than 50 minutes and at a speed of less than 6 mph (or 8 km/h), was found to significantly reduce the risk of death from all-causes.

In fact, although the researchers note that it is still unclear how much running a person needs to do to reduce their mortality risk, in this study they found no evidence to suggest that increasing the frequency, duration, or pace of running brought any greater mortality benefits.

As this is an observational study, the researchers point out that they can’t establish cause and effect. They also note that including just 14 studies in their analysis is a small amount, and as the methods of each study varied widely, this could have influenced the results.

However, they still conclude that that any amount of running is better than none, adding that, “Increased rates of participation in running, regardless of its dose, would probably lead to substantial improvements in population health and longevity.”

Remember to Optimize your Health program by taking Organic Sulfur OS. 

SAD,Cold & Flu

Winter Blue or Seasonally Affected Disease

The most common symptoms of the winter blues are general sadness and a lack of energy. Other symptoms of the winter blues include the following: Difficulty sleeping. Feeling less social than usual. Difficulty taking initiative. A little light therapy or holiday somewhere warm will do the trick.

So what happened to the cold?
It was always called Cold & Flu season. Today the Media reports on the number of flu cases and the colds aren’t even mentioned!
So when did the flu 
leave the 
in the limelight?

Of course we understand those with suppressed immune systems can get very ill from the flu. But guess what? 
You can get sick from the common cold.

So keep immune systems strong! Or stay in for those who need to and take precautions as needed.

Remember both the cold and flu are from a virus. So again, when did the flu go rogue 
and steal the show?

Let’s get real people, the flu will not be suppressed by a toxic vaccine. Why do you think they need to test a new vaccine on the public annually? It’s because the flu keeps morphing and getting stronger so that it can get passed the vaccine. So they make a new one the next year, test it on the public, because there is no time to test an annual vaccine, so you’re the test dummy. And the flu gets even stronger and morphs again!
You’re basically creating a crazy virus by 
injecting the latest vaccine each year.
Think antibiotics and how that worked out by giving it everyone on the regular. Hmmmm
The reporting of flu patients around the world is basically fear mongering. They actually reported that Australia had the worst flu season ever and its heading our way. Unfortunately they say that every year. So why do they fear monger? To make money! Stop falling for the marketing of something that is not good for you and spend some time actually getting healthy! The latter takes longer but is the best scenario. Because you can’t medicate your way to health, only real organic food and Organic Sulfur ( which is listed as a food by the FDA) will do that.
Happy cold and flu season! Join us on the annual no cold and flu season! Real Organic OS.